Answers to Questions from Recent Articles


Redneck Tube Top

Redneck Tube Top


RE:  Redneck Tube Top

The Redneck Tube Top photos don’t seem to come up in Internet Explorer. The photos are fine in Opera, Firefox, etc.  Therefore, try another browser.


RE:  Bird Cleaning 101 for Hunters

Why don’t taxidermists want to mount a duck with lots of pinfeathers?

Taxidermists are in the business of making you happy. They know that when you come to get your duck and you see a mounting with lots of ugly, scraggly feathers, you won’t be happy.

Note the photo in What Do Pin Feathers on a Duck Look Like? (click on underlined words, then scroll {to nearly the bottom} on that page for correct photo and article).  That’s why teal are rarely mounted in September — they are still molting.


RE: Hunting News:  Why You Just Might Not Get a Deer or Turkey this Year

RE:  A Few More Facts About Deer Hunting

If you have new hunting clothes – that have not been washed yet – then use borax from day 1. Do not use fabric softener, do not use dryer sheets.

Borax in a large load – use 2/3 to 3/4 cup in load; medium sized load = use 1/2 cup; and small load = use 1/3 to 1/4 cup borax.

All US detergents have UV brighteners in them which, according to the two articles above, add these brighteners to your clothing. You do not want this. So never wash your hunting clothes in general detergents from the store.

In another article, I list the names of the grocery store detergents that are safe for your hunting clothes — UV Brighteners, We’ve Got the News.

If you have hunting garments you’ve had for awhile, you’ve put UV brighteners into the clothes by using detergents. I’m working on a test to see if the brighteners subdue over time, by washing in borax. I’ll report as soon as I’ve finished the study. Stay tuned.

Have you ever started the clothes washer and bubbles start forming around the clothes? That is soap/detergent left in your clothing from previous washes. That’s why I stated that most people use too much detergent/soap.

If you are washing in cold water (because of the residue of blood stains in the clothing), pour the correct amount of borax in a large cup or bowl and add very warm, or hot water, and stir. This will dissolve the borax; then add to the load after the water line comes up over the clothing. Wash as usual.


This blog is a companion to my website:

Words of Wisdom & A Bit of Humor


**Scroll to the bottom for the “PS” — it’s more info about borax for hunters’ clothes!


There’s a rumor going around that even macho-types in ghillie suits and knives have a softer side! The following offers ‘words to live by’ in a humorous way. Enjoy !



Always try to help a friend in need




Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself



Be Brave...But it's OK to be Afraid Sometimes

Be Brave...But it's OK to be Afraid Sometimes!





Study Hard

Study Hard


Give Lots of Kisses!




Laugh Often!



Don’t be Overly Concerned with Your Weight; It’s Just a Number!

(Go tell that to my doctor!)




Meet New People; Even if they Look Different to You!






Remain Calm, Even When it Seems Hopeless!





Take Lots of Naps...

Take Lots of Naps...



Be Weird Whenever You Have the Chance!





Love Your Friends, No Matter Who They Are!

Love Your Friends, No Matter Who They Are!



Always Try to See the Glass Half Full!



Don't Waste Food!

Don't Waste Food!








Take an Occasional Risk!

Take an Occasional Risk!




Try to Have a Little Fun Each Day. ...It's Important!

Try to Have a Little Fun Each Day. ...It's Important!



Work Together as a Team!

Work Together as a Team!




Share a Joke with Friends!

Share a Joke with Friends!


Fall in love with someone…




...And Say 'I Love You' Often!

...And Say 'I Love You' Often!




Express Yourself Creatively!

Express Yourself Creatively!



Be Conscious of Your Appearance!

Be Conscious of Your Appearance!




Always Be Up for Surprises!

Always Be Up for Surprises!




Love Someone With All Your Heart!

Love Someone With All of Your Heart!




Share With Friends!

Share With Friends!



Watch Your Step!

Watch Your Step!





It Will Get Better!

Things Will Get Better!



There is Always Someone Who Loves You More Than You Know!

There is Always Someone Who Loves You More Than You Know!



Exercise to Keep Fit!



Live Up to Your Name!




Seize the Moment!

Seize the Moment!




Hold on to Good Friends; They are Few and Far Between!

Hold on to Good Friends; They are Few and Far Between!



Indulge in the Things You Truly Love!

Indulge in the Things You Truly Love!




Cherish Every Sunday!

Cherish Every Sunday!



At the End of the Day... PRAY

At the End of the Day... PRAY



Close Your Eyes!



And Smile at Least Once a Day!

And Smile at Least Once a Day!


‘Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don’t, and believe that everything happens for a reason.’


Many, many ‘Thanks’ to Dorothy139


PS: I’m getting questions about the amount of borax to use for hunting clothes.

  • I use:  2/3 to 3/4 cup in a large (full) load of clothes,
  • 1/2 cup for a medium and
  • 1/4 cup borax for a small load of clothing.
  • Many people use too much detergent.


This blog is a companion to my website: