Feral Pigs in Texas — 2 Million Strong and Increasing!

There’s been considerable interest in this 1800 lb. feral pig shot in Turkey (See my previous story: “Great Photos: That Wild Boar was Where?”)


However, I just want to make you aware that we have plenty in Texas.  If you need one, come on by!

Now in Piggy Heaven! Now in Piggy Heaven!


This is a recent article in a local paper about the damage that can be done when pigs go — ah — hog wild!


Mr. Rollins front yard!

Mr. Rollins front yard!


Feral hog makes mess of man’s yard

Thursday, January 22, 2009

By TJ Aulds / The Daily News

(This article is from  The Daily News, Galveston, TX — Texas’ Oldest Newspaper!)

TEXAS CITY — Irvin Rollins has a big problem with his yard. Make that a pig problem.

Irvin Rollins is upset by the damage feral pigs have caused to the front yard of his Texas City home.

The west Texas City resident claims that at least one very large feral hog has turned his yard into, well, a pigpen. His grass has been replaced by huge divots from the latest attack.

“I’m frustrated,” Rollins said. “I’ve called animal control, and they’ve told me they ain’t in the business of getting rid of hogs. I’m at my wit’s end.”

Rollins said he called the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and got little help. He called the police, who referred him to animal control.

After the second dinner rush on his lawn, Rollins bought feed for the hogs, but tainted it with stuff he thought would scare them away.

They came back for more.

“I’ve gone to feed stores figuring they would know somebody to call to get rid of the hog and they called back and told me if I ever find out how to get rid of them to let them know,” he said.

Rollins isn’t sure whether his yard was attacked by one hog or a herd. He has been unable to see his nemesis up close ….

Feral hogs are a problem not just in west Texas City, but practically everywhere in the state. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department officials estimate the state’s feral hog population tops 2 million.

“The increase in population and distribution is due in part to intentional releases, improved habitat, increased wildlife management and improved animal husbandry such as disease eradication, limited natural predators and high reproductive potential,” Texas wildlife biologist Rick Taylor wrote in a 2003 report on the feral hog problem.

Taylor describes feral hogs as opportunistic feeders, meaning their diet is based on availability. They eat everything from grass to insects. They will eat live mammals and birds if the opportunity arises.

Apparently, Rollins’ yard on Williams Drive has become a buffet of sorts. Three times in the past couple of months, in the early morning, a hog or group of hogs dined on what is in and under his lawn. The late-night dinner visits are a recent happening for Rollins, who has lived in his house for 35 years. Until two months ago, he had never had a hog problem.

While there are 10 more houses on Rollins’ block, the hogs seem interested only in his yard ….

Help may be on the way

George Fuller, the head of Texas City’s office of community development, has had some experience in dealing with feral hogs. When hogs were tearing up the Mount Olivet Catholic Cemetery on Interstate 45 last year, Fuller put together a hog eradication team and “fixed the problem.”

Taylor’s report suggests trapping the animal. However, biologists do not suggest taking them someplace to roam free.

Feral hogs are prolific breeders and can cause considerable damage,” Taylor wrote in his report. “They can destroy habitat, and compete directly or indirectly with all other species of wildlife.”

A search of Web sites found that many “experts” suggest the only good feral hog is a dead one.

Dead or alive, Rollins doesn’t care. He just wants his yard back and the hogs gone.


And you thought YOU had lawn problems!


This blog is a companion to my website:  GreatGhilliesAndGraphics.com


  1. Oh my gosh, that’s a huge pig!

  2. Yep! It’s 1800 lbs. of pure trouble. I was surprised that these wild pigs will eat dogs and cats, if available!!
    They tear up fences, root up yards, eat just about anything not tied down!
    I’m sure you get the picture. What amazes me is that west Texas City is a suburb — not a rural region. This is scary!
    BTW, love your blue rose!

  3. That is scary! This is actually the first time I’ve heard of a pig that large, it’s a surprise to me!

    And thanks, it took hours for me to find a picture of a rose that suits me.

  4. That is one BIG pig!

  5. Dear God’s Princess and Trey,

    We are having a sale on big pigs. If you will just pay shipping, the hog is FREE!

    If you noticed in the article about Mr. Rollins, we are blessed with so many feral pigs because of “better management” by Texas Parks & Wildlife!

    If your state hasn’t figured out to manage your feral pigs, we’d be happy to send a couple of pigs and a Parks & Wildlife biologist your way! Please confuse the biologist, so he/she will quit managing our feral pig population so well!

    We need Pig Relief more than Pig Management! 😉


  6. Can i take a one small picture from your blog?

  7. Sure!

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